Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SNOW DAY! Now What?

When I was kid....

Something about up hill both ways.  In the St. Louis area they are a little quicker to call a snow day then back home in Wisconsin - butt then again they are a little more ready for it up North.

Today we have a snow day - and if the kids are home - someone may have to stay at home with him.  Today that is me (it's nice when your main office is in your house).  So between getting work done I need to keep them busy.  I plan to get most of my work done during movie time.  So here are some suggestions for Snow Day!

Indoor Fun

1.  Watch the movie - Snow Day, this is a tradition for us!

2.  Have some fun in the kitchen - we keep Hot Chocolate in the house, it is an inexpensive treat - and they absolutely love it.  If you know the snow is coming grab what you need to make cookies this is fun and keeps the house nice and warm.

3.  Light up the fireplace if you have one.

4.  Have a "Re-Arranging" party - this is where we change room lay outs - the side bar is you get them to do some cleaning along the way.  This can be their rooms or whatever.  We are moving the fish tank to the basement today.

5.  Speaking of the basement - we play games - my basement is unfinished - meaning they can't wreck anything.  They bounce their basketballs, and even put on their roller blades and skate around.

Outdoor Fun

The key is to cover every piece of skin that you can, and make sure to check on them - my 5 year can have frost bite from head to toe and she doesn't want to go in out of the snow.

1.  Make Snow Angels

2.  If it is warm enough, build a fort, where you don't have a ton of snow, use other things to support the structure - existing things in the yard, or some planks a of wood can help.  We made an igloo over a dog house once - it worked well.

3.  Go sledding - Last snow fall before this one I found them at Schnuck's grocery store - the staff there didn't even know they sold them.  Then you have to find a good hill.
Cottleville built one for their concerts in the park - makes a nice slow hill with two options for speed.  Warren Elementary seems to draw a crowd as well.

Have fun - and if you have or discover something else - please share!

Cottleville City Hall in the Background!

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