Monday, January 17, 2011

How to be the "Cool Dad"!

Dad + Teenager = Dork

Usually if we think back to our own childhoods you can probably remember the "era" in which you were not to fond of your parents and they started to seem dorky.  For most people this happens late Middle School into High School.

Can becoming a dork be avoided?  YES IT CAN!

To be completely honest - I discovered this by accident, but once the knowledge was gained I have continued the exercise with the rest of my children.

The Secret

Are you ready for this - I actually mentioned it in a previous blog - Coach your Kids!!!

That's it - whatever sport they like get involved!  Be a coach, assistant coach, equipment manager, team parent, whatever.

When my oldest was in middle school I became an Assistant Football Coach - this is something I had never done before.  I do like the sport, and I played it a little in high school, so I decided to participate.  There is a bond that forms when you coach your kids team that is unique and is lasting.  It is not about playing favorites, they are just proud to have you there - you are a role model to them and the kids they go to school with.  I have noticed it in other parents who coach as well.  There are parents envious of my relationship with my son - he is comfortable talking to me about just about everything. I am now a Head Coach for my youngest sons football team, and a basketball coach to both my younger boys.


Back to one of the purposes of this blog - when you coach it is very inexpensive for your kids to be on the team.  You get to schedule the practices - so you CAN make it work for your schedule.


Some parents no matter how hard you try will have something to complain about - do your best, and worse case invite them out to assistant coach.  You will find that many parents have a different view of their child's physical prowess, this is most obvious in the parents who never see a practice and see the reality.
Be careful to not give your child unfair opportunities - there are coaches who play their kids when there are others who could be in that role better.  Try to be as fair as you can be.  My goal is for the kids to learn - they get more for 6 hours of practice then 40 minutes of game time.

But I don't know the sport...

Great - that is what the internet is for, I look up drills for each sport I coach - I look like an expert because I am changing things around each practice.  If you are part of a feeder program attend sessions with the High School Coaches - our Head Coach invites all of the coaches to three classes explaining the system they use. 

Just go for it - the reward is worth the risk!

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