Monday, July 11, 2011



The Summer for Kids is half over and there is still so much to do.  Here is a list of 10 things that you can do relatively inexpensively. 

  Pools - most communities have a pools - this is a great way to cool off, get some exercise, and have fun.  A bonus tip:  if you are in a social group, ours is a running club - at a meeting suggest a pool party - the last one we attended the price was only a dish to pass.

  Movies in the Cheap seats, our community has a $1 theater, and the kids love it - they have free air conditioning too.

  Outdoor movies, where I live in St. Charles County there at least 3 cities doing free outdoor movies.
  Summer Project - pick something they can work on at home, be it building bird houses, a new tree fort, garden, we built a fire pit that has given us hours of family togetherness.

  Music in the park - again several cities in my area are having music in the park and most are free, even if it isn't their favorite kind of music, it is a different experience and they are with you.

  Explore a new path or trail, with the heat and bugs I suggest early and bring plenty of water.

  Free Community events - just by looking you can find other opportunities in your area - look to my bonus tip at the bottom for help on this one.

  Go Camping - State Parks are usually inexpensive, or just do it the backyard - they will love it.

  Sports Camps - these are considerably less expensive then the stay over night camps.  The kids get a shirt, they can try different sports, or pick a favorite.  Check you local schools website, in our area, each school has several camps they hold.

  Finally, organize a neighborhood party, it works great if you have a Cul de Sac nearby, get to your neighbors, help you kids deepen their friendships, an again have some fun.

BONUS TIP:  If you have children that are able to "surf the net" put one in charge of finding fun events in the area.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Quotes About Dad - for Father's Day

Quotes about Fatherhood

My own contribution - I enjoy the role of Dad so much that everyday is Father's Day.
Weston and pal!
My Girls
Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance. ~Ruth E. Renkel

A father carries pictures where his money used to be. ~Author Unknown

The father who would taste the essence of his fatherhood must turn back from the plane of his experience, take with him the fruits of his journey and begin again beside his child, marching step by step over the same old road. ~Angelo Patri

My father, when he went, made my childhood a gift of a half a century. ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin

It is much easier to become a father than to be one. ~Kent Nerburn, Letters to My Son: Reflections on Becoming a Man, 1994

The words that a father speaks to his children in the privacy of home are not heard by the world, but, as in whispering-galleries, they are clearly heard at the end and by posterity. ~Jean Paul Richter

Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad. ~Author Unknown

The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!
~Author Unknown

I love my father as the stars - he's a bright shining example and a happy twinkling in my heart. ~Terri Guillemets

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Real Dad's play Barbie!

Comfort Zones

Human Nature draws us to the path of least resistance, being men it means doing guy/boy things comes much more naturally.  As a Father of boys and girls admittedly it is much easier for me to play with my sons, it usually involves some sort of ball.  Sometimes I wonder if my girls play some sports just to get more "Dad Time".

We as men need to get our of our comfort zone and do the things that our daughters enjoy doing.  If it is playing make believe with princesses and castles, we need to do that, and be there for our daughters.  I think it is important for my daughters to feel that what interests them is important to me.  The time you spend costs you little money and because it is possibly breaking from your norm, is more memorable for your daughter then shooting hoops with you and her brothers. 

Time Flies
Once you are walking her down the aisle it's too late - there is no reverse button, and days and years go fast.  Make the memories while the making is good.  Start with a nice conversation about what interests them, really listen and look for opportunities to do things they like.

I go out of my way to have special "Daddy-Daughter" days just make sure my girls know they are special.  The other thing you can do is take just them to dinner on or around their birthday - when you are in a big family this is "priceless" time to learn about you kid's individuality.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Clean Up!

Spring is Here!

The Daffodils are in bloom, trees are budding, and there is Winter's mess to clean up.  To kids this can look like work - unless you spin it a bit.

At home it is hard to resist the urge to start planting especially if you go by the local hardware store that already has flowers for sale - the date around St. Louis is April 15th - generally after that you are safe.   If you want something that matures quickly I suggest radishes, not everyone's favorite - but they grow fast.  So start some plants just like they do at school in the window sills.  We have a few box gardens, and we have one that has some perennial garden plants - Rhubarb comes up very early and the kids are always excited to see it.  We also have asparagus but you have to be patient it takes a few years before you can start to harvest - we will have our first this year.

The exception is bulb plants and pansies, they are rather cold tolerant.  Although the air feels warm it hasn't soaked into the ground yet and if you put seeds or plants in too soon they can die from the cold still in the soil.

Other Tips

Mulching - many businesses do their mulching early - because they don't have flowers, mulch is a weed block, but it will also block your perennials from coming up. - It is also a good idea to wait to mulch as well until you know where your plants are.

Pruning -  Spring is the right time prune, I suggest looking up for the specific tree or bush that you want to prune.  Lilacs should be pruned after they are done blooming, I have 6 different lilacs and this is when I prune them. 

Saving Money - If your home was built with your air conditioner on the sunny side of the house, plant a bush between it and the sun, this will help its efficiency.  My suggestion is a Korean Lilac, they are easily shape able, have small lilac flowers, smell amazing and your air conditioner will pull the smell into the house.

Community - We just participated in a Clean Stream Program, this may be coming to your area, or you could always organize a group from clubs you are in - to Church and do an outdoor clean up.  I suggest buying a stack of the cheap gloves, and wear clothes you don't care so much about.  My kids love this - we always find interesting things and we are making the area we live look better.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Time Fun!!!

Outdoor Activity

As the weather warms we are drawn from our hibernating states to venture into the sun and absorb some vitamin D.  This is a great time to start a project with the kids that can last all Summer.

If you have a garden - GREAT!  If not this could be the year to start a small one.  If you live in a condo or apartment box gardening can also be the answer.  It is too early to put seeds in the ground in most areas of the U.S., resist the urge.  It can seem like it is time because our perennial plants are starting to show up, but remember the plants have deep roots, a seed put an inch below the surface is still not ready for the cold soil and cool nights.

The fun starts at the store, have them pick out a seed they want to grow, and you can buy the little biodegradable pots at the store or use some Styrofoam cups like school - the nice thing with the cups is being able to write on the cup.

Look on the packages - some plants like radishes mature very quickly, this may stop the kids from prematurely pulling the carrots out of the ground. 

The Garden

Have them help you select the spot by deciding where the optimal sun hits during the day - as always have fun with this, suggest several areas and have them measure the sun.  Most vegetables need a bright "full sun" area.  If you have rabbits like I have, a box garden can help with this.  Mine are 12 inches off the ground and the rabbits don't mess with my stuff.

Perennial Food Producers

You may want to consider some perennial plants for ease each year.  We have one box garden that is almost all perennial with asparagus and rhubarb, both take a few years before you harvest.  Berries can also be great, we have 4 Blackberry plants against a fence and each year they produce great mid day snacks - the kids eat them right off the plant.  We also a grape plant that make a huge batch of sweet grapes each year.  We have a plum tree, we don't spray and usually loose most of them to the Japanese beetles, and fruit trees can be messy in the yard.

Have fun and enjoy the harvest and fresh food!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Volunteerism = Great Fun!

Soup Kitchen?

In many people's mind volunteering they immediately get a mental picture of a soup kitchen.  Although this may not sound that fun, it can be very rewarding.

Getting your kids involved in volunteer events can create some great memories and experiences with your kids - and of course it typically only costs you time.

Here are some examples of things we have done and really enjoyed doing.  Since we really enjoy the outdoors we have a few things we do to combine being outside with good work.

The boys and I helping with a City event.
 A Few Examples

Clean Stream - which I have down as Saturday April 2nd this year in the St. Louis area.  Check with your City Hall if you have streams and rivers in your community you probably have a clean up.  This was a fun morning of collecting garbage around a stream in our community.

We have also worked with a group in our area call GORC, Gateway Off Road Cyclists who do a ton of work to keep the trails nice in our many local parks. to see a schedule of work days.

We help the city I work in with events as well, setting up for festivals, building habitat homes, Halloween Haunted Hayride fundraiser - talk about fun for the whole family.

To the right you can see a link to the City of O'Fallon, MO volunteer page - there are many opportunities for every family out there.  The benefit is time with you kids for a good cause and you are teaching them good citizenship.
Will Jr. working on a Habitat for Humanity Home.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How to be the "Cool Dad"!

Dad + Teenager = Dork

Usually if we think back to our own childhoods you can probably remember the "era" in which you were not to fond of your parents and they started to seem dorky.  For most people this happens late Middle School into High School.

Can becoming a dork be avoided?  YES IT CAN!

To be completely honest - I discovered this by accident, but once the knowledge was gained I have continued the exercise with the rest of my children.

The Secret

Are you ready for this - I actually mentioned it in a previous blog - Coach your Kids!!!

That's it - whatever sport they like get involved!  Be a coach, assistant coach, equipment manager, team parent, whatever.

When my oldest was in middle school I became an Assistant Football Coach - this is something I had never done before.  I do like the sport, and I played it a little in high school, so I decided to participate.  There is a bond that forms when you coach your kids team that is unique and is lasting.  It is not about playing favorites, they are just proud to have you there - you are a role model to them and the kids they go to school with.  I have noticed it in other parents who coach as well.  There are parents envious of my relationship with my son - he is comfortable talking to me about just about everything. I am now a Head Coach for my youngest sons football team, and a basketball coach to both my younger boys.


Back to one of the purposes of this blog - when you coach it is very inexpensive for your kids to be on the team.  You get to schedule the practices - so you CAN make it work for your schedule.


Some parents no matter how hard you try will have something to complain about - do your best, and worse case invite them out to assistant coach.  You will find that many parents have a different view of their child's physical prowess, this is most obvious in the parents who never see a practice and see the reality.
Be careful to not give your child unfair opportunities - there are coaches who play their kids when there are others who could be in that role better.  Try to be as fair as you can be.  My goal is for the kids to learn - they get more for 6 hours of practice then 40 minutes of game time.

But I don't know the sport...

Great - that is what the internet is for, I look up drills for each sport I coach - I look like an expert because I am changing things around each practice.  If you are part of a feeder program attend sessions with the High School Coaches - our Head Coach invites all of the coaches to three classes explaining the system they use. 

Just go for it - the reward is worth the risk!