Sunday, April 24, 2011

Real Dad's play Barbie!

Comfort Zones

Human Nature draws us to the path of least resistance, being men it means doing guy/boy things comes much more naturally.  As a Father of boys and girls admittedly it is much easier for me to play with my sons, it usually involves some sort of ball.  Sometimes I wonder if my girls play some sports just to get more "Dad Time".

We as men need to get our of our comfort zone and do the things that our daughters enjoy doing.  If it is playing make believe with princesses and castles, we need to do that, and be there for our daughters.  I think it is important for my daughters to feel that what interests them is important to me.  The time you spend costs you little money and because it is possibly breaking from your norm, is more memorable for your daughter then shooting hoops with you and her brothers. 

Time Flies
Once you are walking her down the aisle it's too late - there is no reverse button, and days and years go fast.  Make the memories while the making is good.  Start with a nice conversation about what interests them, really listen and look for opportunities to do things they like.

I go out of my way to have special "Daddy-Daughter" days just make sure my girls know they are special.  The other thing you can do is take just them to dinner on or around their birthday - when you are in a big family this is "priceless" time to learn about you kid's individuality.

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